Perez Hilton
takes a refreshingly libertarian stance toward the Exodus International iPhone/iPad app controversy. The EI app, which was available at Apples' iTunes store for free, permitted access to the Christian organization's videos, podcasts, and social networking tools.
Exodus International is fairly straightforward about its philsophy. The organization "upholds heterosexuality as God’s creative intent for humanity, and subsequently views homosexual expression as outside of God’s will." Since the app imbroglio, EI has taken pains to
'debunk the myths' that they promote hate speech or that they are in the business of 'curing' sexual behavior.
The Montreal Gazette quotes an Apple spokesperson, Tom Neumayr, who said, "We removed the Exodus International app from the App Store because it violated our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people." Over 146,000 supporters of gay rights
signed a petition encouraging Apple to remove the app.
Chuck Colson
came out swinging on this one, reminding his readers that Apple
also axed the Manhattan Declaration (which supports traditionl marriage) app.
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