According to the
Pew Hispanic Center: "By their own reckoning, Latinos living in the United States do not have a national leader. When asked in an open-ended question to name the person they consider 'the most important Latino leader in the country today,' nearly two-thirds (64%) of Hispanic respondents said they did not know. An additional 10% said 'no one.' "
Fair enough.
But now notice the bias of the PHC: "The survey explored the subject of leadership in the Latino community in another way. Respondents were presented with the names of eight prominent Latinos* and asked if they had heard of each. Those who said they had were then asked if they considered that person to be a leader.

Of the eight names presented, just two were familiar to a majority of respondents: Sotomayor (67%) and Ramos (59%). Four others were known by more than a quarter of respondents: Villaraigosa (44%), Gutierrez (38%), New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (35%), and UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta (28%). The other two were familiar to only a small share of respondents: U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) of Tucson, Arizona (13%), and Janet Murguía, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Council of La Raza (8%)."
*Not a conservative or independent among the bunch. To boot, all these Hispanics are vocal supporters of illegal immigration and/or amnesty. Humph.
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