Che disgrazia! Unless we support what the Mafia stands for - murder, corruption, drugs, prostitution - we should boycott this movie (if and when it is released) and doom it to the DVD dustbin of history, where most of Travolta's career belongs.
After all, we'd never stand for a movie that shows how an Islamic suicide bomber is 'just one of us.' Yet if the accent is Italian, this schlock passes for art. And as the recent federal bust of more than 120 mobsters on the East Coast demonstrated, these creeps are still at work. There's no reason to celebrate them or pretend they're just a thing of the past, like cowboys."
Mr. Sliwa's anti-mob crusading once got him shot.
A good place to start. But, the ultimate anti-mob boycott is to stop paying taxes ;-)
You are the riposte king, you are!
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