Phyllis Schlafly weighs in and quotes one of the honchoes associated with the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association; a fine all-American organization.
She writes: "Mexican trucks have been barred from operating inside the United States since March 2009. They are limited to a border zone where they must then transfer their cargo onto U.S. trucks.
Mexico claims the current ban violates our treaty obligations under NAFTA. That's not true because NAFTA is not a treaty; it was never ratified by two-thirds of Senators as our Constitution requires for a treaty, and is merely a law passed in 1993 by a simple majority vote.
Perhaps the Obama Administration plan to admit Mexican trucks is just a political maneuver. It may be a tactic to reach out to the business community, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time be a sneaky way to defeat Republican Members of Congress in 2012 by forcing them to vote on the admission of Mexican trucks."
Phyllis is too polite to use the adjective - treasonous - to describe the Chamber of Commerce.
More on this issue from OOIDA.
Sidebar: The cost of diesel fuel continues to be a HUGE concern for independent trucking. I wrote a piece on this very topic in 2008.

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