Like Marge Crossman, an on-the-go bachelorette, who founded the Amherst Citizens for Responsible Government (a grassroots property rights group) when she was in her seventies! Ms. Crossman, a lifelong resident of Amherst, became concerned that her fellow senior citizens were being priced out of their beloved homes due to high property taxes and sought to find ways to hold local government officials accountable. (No small feat in a community run by Communist-Obama-Marxist-Socialist- Maoist-Progressives.)
But Marge was/is pro-active in other ways ... for instance, as a huge supporter of the Boys and Girls Club of America.
Once, she even gave me a ride, in her van, to the airport in Hartford, CT and, graciously, allowed me to shelter my car in her garage when I went to Montana.
In other words, always helpful.

Marge is still going strong. Here she is pictured, yesterday, at her 75th high school class reunion (which she helped organize) at the BridgeSide Grille in Sunderland, MA.
May I be this other-centered, snazzily-groomed, and healthy-looking when (God willing) I hit my nineties!
Many thanks to Larry Kelley, another lifelong resident of Amherst and fellow-citizen-journalist-turned-citizen-blogger, for snapping the photo of Miss Marge and sending it to TCC.
She sounds like a delightful person.
What a great story about a wonderful lady!
Indeed, Ken.
Thanks, Paula. Glad you stopped by!
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