(I was among the 50 or so folks called to jury duty for this embezzlement case. Although my name wasn't drawn, I heard enough to believe that this situation should not have gone to trial. Boo on Staffords restaurant, the young defendant's former employer!)
In the photo: The acquitted Erin Z.
As a good conservative I hate to say this, but I hope she sues the s*** out of the restaurant.
All they had was -- essentially -- her computer login being used on days when she wasn't working and the computer didn't know that?!?!?
Let me restate it a different way - she is responsible for her code being used when she *wasn't* there, but the restaurant's higher management (and computer system) which were there are not responsible for permitting it to be used?
Am I missing something here???
I think you got it ... and I suppose this is why the case went to trial. Fortunately she was judged (fairly) by a jury of her peers.
But now she likely is dealing with something similar to what I am -- exactly what office do you go to in order to get your reputation back?
As pretty as she is, I know that expression on her face, I can see it as clear as day.
Harvey Silverglate has a great book out -- _Three Felonies a Day_ and while he is dealing with the US Federal prosecutors, it applies here too.
I think you got it ... and I suppose this is why the case went to trial. Fortunately she was judged (fairly) by a jury of her peers.
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