Fashion Week just came and went in NYC. It's an event, as you might have heard, where all the high-brow fashionistas display their wares (i.e. collections), and the vain people, who attend the clothing shows and get the plum front row seats, are photographed doing what they do best - posing with other vain people.
Also on display were those thin, tall runway models who rarely smile.
This year the fairest model of them all was Andrej Pejić (in the photo) who grew up in a Serbian refugee camp, before he moved to Australia. Basically he's a very pretty boy who models womens' clothing, mens' clothing, and womens'/mens' clothing. Naturally, his chic contra nature shtick is hot, hot, hot.
The gender-bending 'mate' speaks.
Enough with the so-called fashion/modeling industry that is nothing but a cesspool that promotes and tries to legitimize deviant and immoral behavior, contributing to the continued breakdown of this once God-fearing and moral nation.
It's plain to see that this poor young soul has been well-trained in evading questions about his sexuality. But a male he is and will remain for the remainder of his life despite the androgyny so well marketed by the most exploitative industry on the planet.
All the money in the world cannot compensate for the wrecked life and psychological suffering that results from the manipulation imposed by the fashion industry even though the young man appears to be a willing participant.
The best we can all do is reject all aspects of the fashion/modeling industry.
Enough with the so-called fashion/modeling industry that is nothing but a cesspool that promotes and tries to legitimize deviant and immoral behavior, contributing to the continued breakdown of this once God-fearing and moral nation.
It's plain to see that this poor young soul has been well-trained in evading questions about his sexuality. But a male he is and will remain for the remainder of his life despite the androgyny so well marketed by the most exploitative industry on the planet.
All the money in the world cannot compensate for the wrecked life and psychological suffering that results from the manipulation imposed by the fashion industry even though the young man appears to be a willing participant.
The best we can all do is reject all aspects of the fashion/modeling industry.
Yes, it's sad how this lost soul is being exploited by his elders.
Three words: War against boys....
A woman appearing feminine -- we would hear an outcry. A male -- we have celebration. Oh brave new world...
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