A horrible, horrible crime: Earlier today, a young mother was murdered, in the parking lot of a pediatric center in Spring, Texas (near Houston), and her 3-day old baby was kidnapped by the perp. Heartbreaking.
The Amber Alert has offered this description of the abductor: "The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is searching for Keegan Schuchardt. Police are looking for a skinny black, female wearing grey sweatshirt and blue jeans. The suspect was last heard from in 25230 Burrough Park Drive, Spring, Texas."
A photo of Baby Keegan is featured in this video clip:
I hope and pray this precious infant is found soon and found safe.
PTL update: Keegan been located and will soon be reunited with his daddy. Thank you, law enforcement.
The Houston Chronicle reports that Verna McClain "has been charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a mother (Kala Marie Golden) and the abduction of her newborn son."
Wanna bet that she went to college for free because of affirmative action?
Wannna bet she tries some racial hatred/racism defense to the murder charge?
Wanna bet she becomes the next Mumia if the death sentence is given?
Shudder. What have we wrought?
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