The Village at Bay Harbor is a northern Michigan enclave where the 1% live, part-time. The homes, apartments, yachts, shops, sights, and amenities are both splendid and over-the-top.
Bay Harbor's Ice & Spice Festival took place this weekend. Ice carvings and a chili cookoff were the featured events. Some photos:
This pretty ice sculpture lists this event's sponsors. Mitt Romney would approve of this tribute to venture, crony, vulture, and no-adjective-to- describe-it capitalism.

The s'more-roasting pit.

A griffin or a phoenix. I get those two mixed up.

One of the palatial multi-million dollar seasonal homes ...

... that faces Bay Harbor.

Bay Harbor's Ice & Spice Festival took place this weekend. Ice carvings and a chili cookoff were the featured events. Some photos:
This pretty ice sculpture lists this event's sponsors. Mitt Romney would approve of this tribute to venture, crony, vulture, and no-adjective-to- describe-it capitalism.

The s'more-roasting pit.

A griffin or a phoenix. I get those two mixed up.

One of the palatial multi-million dollar seasonal homes ...

... that faces Bay Harbor.

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