It was stormy and very windy last night - the gales of November have arrived.
And, today, sadly, is the anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. I blogged about this last year, so I won't rehash what I wrote.
But this article - brief and descriptive - explains the weather component.
Three years ago we lost a guy on the island. He had just bought an engagement ring and I suspect he went out lobstering on a day he ought not have to pay for it.
We never found anything more than floatsam from his boat. Stuff which had been below decks and only would be floating if he went down and his boat broke up.
Three years ago we lost a guy on the island. He had just bought an engagement ring and I suspect he went out lobstering on a day he ought not have to pay for it.
We never found anything more than floatsam from his boat. Stuff which had been below decks and only would be floating if he went down and his boat broke up.
Lost at sea is sad because you never know.
Aw, that is a tragic story (as all these are).
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