Smart was abducted in June 2002 from her Salt Lake City, Utah, home when she was just 14 years old. She was found nine months later, only 18 miles away.
Her captor was sentenced to life in federal prison earlier this year and his wife was sentenced to 15 years for her role in the abduction.
Smart is currently a student at Brigham Young University and a missing person correspondent for ABC News.
In her speech, Smart not only recounts her extraordinary journey but also discusses how one can overcome extreme adversity so the past will not dictate the future."
TCC Note: My son helped with the setup for this lecture and had the chance to (very briefly) interact with Miss Smart. He also went to her talk (attended by 1600 people!) and was impressed by Elizabeth's poise and her uplifting testimony. She received a standing ovation before and after her presentation.
Below is a past presentation which is also very moving:
2011 Crimes Against Children Conference Keynote Elizabeth Smart from David Carroll on Vimeo.
I learned more in helping to run speaking events than anything else, more than in any of my courses. It is an incredibly good experience to be involved in something like this -- and while I cringe at the possible exploitation, if this young lady has a the poise you speak of, she does have a message to tell the spoilt brat generation.
As compared to, well, Meaghan McCain....
Yes, I agree, being involved in certain high-profile events can be a worthwhile learning experience.
I think it is Megan McCain who gets used by the left-wing media to discredit conservatives.
My son tells me there were many feminist types in the audience to catch Miss Smart's talk, and he thinks they probably didn't know what to do with her full-of-faith message. Her presentation was blessedly free of woe-is-me moments, or I-hate-men rants. She seems like a strong young woman ... in a positive way.
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