
When a Student Passes out a Constitution ...

One wonders what the arrogant Mr. Moses (in the video) would have said to, say, James Madison?

CampusReform.org writes: "Are students that promote the black panther ideology and the Office of Diversity in league together at the University of Minnesota - Duluth (UMD)?

It would would appear so in the video below. The events took place last week as one young man, Phil Cleary, handed out pocket Constitutions on campus in honor of Constitution Day. He had a table with literature promoting Youth for Western Civilization, a group dedicated to traditional values and western civilization, and engaged in students and faculty passing by.

Then, the leftists showed up to heckle.

The young man in the video, Blair Jordon Moses, threatened to 'exercise' his 2nd amendment rights if he perceived that there was any kind of threat to the Multicultural Center."

The rest of the blog entry is here. Now watch the vid:


Kenneth said...

If that Black Panther wannabe is the scariest, baddest bro' they can come up with I don't think anyone has much to worry about.

Ed said...

I compare this incident to the one in Wisconson -- see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/greg-lukianoff/university-wisconsin-firefly-_b_985486.html

Seems to me that we have multiple standards in this country...

TCC said...

Ken, I guess this is a kinder-gentler BP than from the days when Eldridge Cleaver was running the show.

Ed, I'm, at least, glad to hear that FIRE is publishing at HuffPo.

Kenneth said...


Yes, indeed. I remember the original BPP Party types very well. When I was a high school lad I often encountered them selling their newspaper in New Haven, where they had a significant presence. I attended a few sessions of the trial in New Haven where BPP members were charged with murdering another member.