Eschewing the hero label, the Colorado teenager describes his act of selflessness thusly: "I was just in the wrong place at the right time."
Head-scratching how while one young depraved man was destroying lives, another young man had the presence of mind to save several.
And: An interview with Pierce who was shot by Holmes. He believes that while there is evil in this world there is also a 'light that shines brighter than the darkness.' Pierce waxes philosophical - in a sincere, sweet manner - at the 6:45 mark.
I am waiting for it to come out that the perp was kicked out of school on some perceived psych basis, and that is what pushed him over the edge and led to this.
Yes, HE and HE ALONE is responsible for what he did -- but I also argue that these psych swat teams that are so popular in academia are actually quite dangerous. Actually likely to CAUSE stuff like this....
God bless him. He shine's God's light of love and mercy. The shooter obviously lives in darkness, but there's hope for everyone. He needs to be punished for what he did, but not hated, as hate only spreads the darkness. Spread the light. Amen.
Charlotte -- I hate to say this, but I have seen way too much evil and this perp is just evil. A lost soul who probably best remains lost.
And I say death penalty for him.
Yes, we go after who made him this way, but as to him, I say execute & forget....
Thanks for your comment, Charlotte!
His friend left him and will deal with that for the rest of his life.
I'm glad this good kid survived.
Yes, Anon., it appears that this young man has the capacity to redeem an evil act.
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