This is a fine Q&A conducted with Dina Gusovsky of Russia Today. At the 9:40 mark, Dr. Paul discusses terrorism and border security and then goes on to explain how we're the only country in the world that bequeaths U.S. citizenship privileges to the sons and daughters of illegals.
No Gotcha Journalism, No Faux Interview
This is a fine Q&A conducted with Dina Gusovsky of Russia Today. At the 9:40 mark, Dr. Paul discusses terrorism and border security and then goes on to explain how we're the only country in the world that bequeaths U.S. citizenship privileges to the sons and daughters of illegals.
Massachusetts' Reasonable State Senators
Hard economic times seems to be turning even legendary liberals into fiscal conservatives.
The Massachusetts state senate gave the thumbs up to a measure aimed at preventing illegals from obtaining public benefits.
From the Springfield Republican's web site: "The debate included a 28-10 vote to approve the budget amendment on immigrants, just a day after the Senate passed a more general amendment requiring people to show proof of citizenship to obtain Medicaid and unemployment benefits."
It remains to be seen if the House of Reps. will go along with the measure.
The Massachusetts state senate gave the thumbs up to a measure aimed at preventing illegals from obtaining public benefits.
From the Springfield Republican's web site: "The debate included a 28-10 vote to approve the budget amendment on immigrants, just a day after the Senate passed a more general amendment requiring people to show proof of citizenship to obtain Medicaid and unemployment benefits."
It remains to be seen if the House of Reps. will go along with the measure.

Among his "recommended reading" list is the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center! Recommended, not as in 'beware of this snake-oil peddling outfit,' but, recommended, as in 'this is a legit., respectable organization.' Here's how it's described at the P.C.-C.C. website: "A civil rights organization that tracks hate groups and domestic terrorists across America and uses litigation, education and advocacy to oppose them. It regularly reports on individual groups and publishes surveys of hate and terror groups across the nation."
Civil Rights? Reports? Surveys? If only.
The latest antics of the $outhern Povery Law Center involve ardently defending illegal alien Jessica Colotl who was caught, by Georgia cops, driving without a license.
Prof. Katerberg, for the sake of your students and their parents, do your homework. This cartel of con artists deserves to be exposed not celebrated.
*what would John Calvin think
The Other Rev. Jesse on Fox News
Neil invites Rev. Peterson (who runs the BOND ministry) to discuss the NAACP lawsuit against AZ law. Calls him an "amazing guest." Wow. Agreed.
People-magazine-like bonus: Here's a recent photo of my friend Mark Costello (who is running for labor commish in OK) with his daughter, Caitlin, and Jessie Lee.

Update: Neil Cavuto, it turns out, is also amazing. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997 after beating cancer. Aww.
People-magazine-like bonus: Here's a recent photo of my friend Mark Costello (who is running for labor commish in OK) with his daughter, Caitlin, and Jessie Lee.

Update: Neil Cavuto, it turns out, is also amazing. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997 after beating cancer. Aww.
Cutting the Union of Teachers No Slack
God bless the governor of New Jersey:
From the Daily Caller:"Governor Christie on Tuesday told a borough teacher to find another job if she did not feel she was compensated enough as he defended his state budget cuts and promoted a plan to cap annual growth in property tax collections."

From the Daily Caller:"Governor Christie on Tuesday told a borough teacher to find another job if she did not feel she was compensated enough as he defended his state budget cuts and promoted a plan to cap annual growth in property tax collections."

Boo: When 'Educators' Hate Rule of Law
Don't ya love it when one of those Marxist profs gets put in their place.
Dr. Sandra Soto's bio: "Her interdisciplinary research agenda draws on Chicana/o and Latina/o literary and cultural studies, queer theory, and gender studies to offer innovative approaches to the overdetermined terrain of social relations, cultural representation, and knowledge production. Her book Reading Chicana Like a Queer: The De-Mastery of Desire (University of Texas Press, 2010), replaces the race-based oppositional paradigm of Chicano literary studies with a less didactic, more flexible, framework geared for a queer analysis of the discursive relationship between racialization and sexuality."
No wonder the poor gal can't understand the straightforward text of SB 1070 after what she's been filling her head with ... egad.
No wonder the poor gal can't understand the straightforward text of SB 1070 after what she's been filling her head with ... egad.
Paging Alice Cooper

If you're too young or too old or too something to get the reference to Vincent Damon Furnier, go here. A classic tune.
When Rand Met Rachel

Rand seems like a well-spoken, honest, hardworking family man who favors small g (government). His primary victory speaks volumes; rightly dubbed a "randslide."
But now that he's a national figure, with a huge target on his back, Rand needs to be wary, not accomodating, of the media. He might consider following this savvy advice: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves."*
*Matthew 10:16
Update: Darrell Dow weighs in with one of those meaty signature opinions of his.
'Nother Update: Legal reality check. Go here.
More Like This, Por Favor

A snark-free MSM story about the Latino-friendly gathering is here.
In the photo: Cuban-born Juan Baldor who spoke at the "Keep America Free" rally and is a language professor at Dallas Baptist University.
Update: Stop the presses! NPR discovers more Latinos who support SB 1070. The quote, by Jesse Hernandez, is excellent.
Confucius Classrooms: Funded by ChiComs

Check it out: » California Public Schools Let Communist China Supply School Curriculum. I dare say some of these no-standard government-education administrators would accept an Elven language program, in their schools, if they got bucks for it.
The Confucius Classrooms are also in Scottish schools.
More funky agitprop. posters here.
Twilight by God (vs. by Stephenie Meyer)
Safe Haven for Lawabiding: The (Other) O.C.
In a refreshing move, Costa Mesa, located in Orange County, declared itself a "rule of law" locale. The mayor and city council have adopted a resolution declaring the California city a place that has zero-tolerance for illegal immigration.
Good on Mayor Allan Mansoor who is also vying for a spot in the State Assembly.

Good on Mayor Allan Mansoor who is also vying for a spot in the State Assembly.

Little Girls: Pippi Better Diversion Than Beyonce

Some comments here, along with the YouTube video in question.
And another video of when the dancers were seven-year-olds.
Military Forces Needed to Restore Order
Jose Cardenas, a calm, professional interviewer, chats with Patrick Bray, of the Arizona Cattleman's Association, about the "utter lawlessness" and the criminal forces that control the southern border.
Phil Jackson is Smarter than Steve Nash
Some sanity in L.A., about SB 1070, from the Laker's coach, no less.
In Lansing: American Worker Has Friends

This is my first time (enthusiastically) using a Flip video camcorder; please excuse the unprofessionalism regarding the images (although the sound quality is just fine). The remarks by the 4 politicos on the videos - Rep. Kim Meltzer (in the photo who speaks about manufacturing), Rep. Eileen Kowall (who talked about student visas), County Commissoner Jim Runestad, and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mike Bouchard - are unusually good.
Here's a report from the dino-media about the rally. I didn't see any "face off." In fact, I didn't even know the 'other side' was holding a press conference. There was more than 70 people at the Stop Amnesty rally - more like 150. The event was organized by Tamyra Murray who twitters and who participates in the Frankenmuth (MI) Teaparty.
Update: Detroit Freep has a story, also.
'Nother Update: I've added Rep. Dave Agema's talk to the YouTube channel. He was one of the organizers of the event.
Well, Whaddya Know
Miss Oklahoma USA, Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, who almost become Miss USA except that she lost to this gorgeous contestant with a murky background (meow), stuck up for states' rights and S.B. 1070. Ms. Woolard is from Moore, OK and all of 21 years old. Way to go, Oklahoma!
Undocumented: The Documentary
The movie premieres tonight in Dallas at the USA Film Festival with cameos from Mike Cutler and Jim Gilchrist. Hard to tell what the point of the film is, since the twenty-something creator claims to be apolitical. But, judging from the trailer, the flick appears to be more educational than, say, "Machete." Illegal immigration is becoming a hot topic for filmmakers, no?
UNDOCUMENTED from .025% Productions on Vimeo.
Dismantling the New World Order, One Blog Entry at a Time

Big Journalism's founder, Andrew Breitbart, was recently interviewed by David Brody, of CBN. Andy B. is a creative communicator. Go here.
Here, Señor Breitbart poses with a media-buddy of mine - Bob Parks of Black and Right. Bob writes for BigJ and Big Government.
Meltup: The Movie about Hyperinflation
Distributed by the National Inflation Association, this documentary discusses the U-6 unemployment rate, the Federal Reserve, rise in food stamp usage, cost of Medicare, cost of War in Iraq, cost of health care, and so on. Riveting expose on the state of the U.S. economy and our "phony standard of living." We're gonna be ruled by the yuan (or whatever the Chinese will want to call the currency), if this report is to believed.
HT: John P.
For? Against? For?
In Florida, the Republican front-runner for governor (Bill McCollum) and senate (Marco Rubio) were initially opposed to SB 1070, but now they are for it. Dizzying, and amazing how this legislation has emerged as a national flashpoint.
Speaking of the Sunshine State, Univision, the Spanish-language network, will be hosting an immigration reform debate tonight in Miami (and Phoenix). It will streamed live. Details here.
Update: A report about the debate.
Speaking of the Sunshine State, Univision, the Spanish-language network, will be hosting an immigration reform debate tonight in Miami (and Phoenix). It will streamed live. Details here.
Update: A report about the debate.
That's Not Entertainment, Sicko
American Patrol reports about an upcoming film:
"It is a big-time Hollywood movie with Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, and Cheech Marin of Cheech and Chong fame. It cost millions to produce. It takes aim at Americans. The movie is Machete. Take a look at the [very offensive] trailer, with a recent addition aimed at Arizona.
Embedded in the trailer is a scene where someone yells, 'We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us.' This is a reference to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican War of 1846. [Some] Mexicans claim they were here first and the treaty moved the border south, leaving them in the U.S.
If the trailer is any indication, the movie supports this claim and makes Americans who want the border enforced to be the 'bad guys.' "
The star of this flick, Danny Trejo, has real-life experience being a punk. How socially responsible is that, by the way, to glorify villians when you've done prison time for being a predator?
Machete will be released in the fall. One of Big Hollywood's writers' commentary about the movie.

Update: Whaaaaa? Turns out this creepy movie is on the dole.
"It is a big-time Hollywood movie with Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, and Cheech Marin of Cheech and Chong fame. It cost millions to produce. It takes aim at Americans. The movie is Machete. Take a look at the [very offensive] trailer, with a recent addition aimed at Arizona.
Embedded in the trailer is a scene where someone yells, 'We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us.' This is a reference to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican War of 1846. [Some] Mexicans claim they were here first and the treaty moved the border south, leaving them in the U.S.
If the trailer is any indication, the movie supports this claim and makes Americans who want the border enforced to be the 'bad guys.' "
The star of this flick, Danny Trejo, has real-life experience being a punk. How socially responsible is that, by the way, to glorify villians when you've done prison time for being a predator?
Machete will be released in the fall. One of Big Hollywood's writers' commentary about the movie.

Update: Whaaaaa? Turns out this creepy movie is on the dole.
PC West Coast Elites Heart Anarchy

Jan Brewer on the Los Angeles' City Council's vote to stop doing (some) business with the Grand Canyon State: "I find it really interesting that we have people out there that are attempting a boycott in favor of illegal actions in Arizona. That to me is just unbelievable."
Arnold, is your paperwork bogus or something?
"I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me," the (California) Republican governor joked in his speech at Emory University.
Reader's Digest Version
My six hundred word summary, for The New American, of Ed Rubenstein's 10-page monograph analyzing the cost of educating the children of illegal aliens/Plyler v. Doe is available here.
"I profile criminals"
Larry O'Connor's short, snappy, very scary blog entry, featuring the commentary of Pinal County (AZ. I know. I know.) Sheriff Paul Babeu about highway chases, is a must read.
Go ... now!
Go ... now!
And, Viva Carlos Santana
This video isn't new, but it's worth re-visiting in light of recent events. It features the one and only Ron Gochez, a California history teacher and self-styled revolutionary who, among other things, rails against "frail, racist white people."
HT: Diana
HT: Diana
MoJo Deconstructs Kris Kobach
This Mother Jones profile of Attorney Kobach claims that NumbersUSA is "anti-immigrant;" that those who ascertain that individual states have a constitutional obligation to protect its residents are promoting an "unorthodox notion" of law; and that Kris is an "extremist on immigration" given his fanbase.
But, at least, Mr. Kobach was also positively described as "telegenic" (for sure), his academic creds are "stellar" (definitely), and his communication style is "measured" (indeed).
This part of the piece is worth repeating: "For his part, Kobach says he's simply learned from his regular adversaries, such as the ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. 'They take the courts very seriously and recognize that the legal battles in the courtroom are every bit as important in political battles in Congress and in the state legislature,' he says."
Exactly the sort of lawyer that should be teaching immigration law to aspiring legal eagles.

The "ascendant" Kris Kobach on a missions trip in Uganda.
But, at least, Mr. Kobach was also positively described as "telegenic" (for sure), his academic creds are "stellar" (definitely), and his communication style is "measured" (indeed).
This part of the piece is worth repeating: "For his part, Kobach says he's simply learned from his regular adversaries, such as the ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. 'They take the courts very seriously and recognize that the legal battles in the courtroom are every bit as important in political battles in Congress and in the state legislature,' he says."
Exactly the sort of lawyer that should be teaching immigration law to aspiring legal eagles.

A Snapshot of Metro America

In a nutshell: The venerable Brookings Institution reports that scads of young, educated whites are flocking to the cities while more and more minorities are going suburban.
The study (which analyzed census data) confirms my hunch that the young often prefer urban because that's where the action is. That is, if your idea of action is a good-paying desk job, entertainment opportunities galore, dining out, and being around lots of other unattached twenty-year-olds with similar lifestyles.
Whereas those raising a family frequently prefer locales with safer schools, quieter streets, some green space, and a lower cost of living. According to the report, "the majority of the child population is now nonwhite." Apparently, more and more minorities want the time-honored benefits of suburbia for their own offspring.
Unfortunately the BI couldn't let the facts speak for themselves. They had to play the role of busybodies and make a pitch for more bureaucracy and more taxes, since their conclusions require money and are an encroachment of liberty.
From the article: "Among its recommendations: affordable housing and social services for older people in the suburbs; better transit systems to link cities and suburbs; and a new federal Office of New Americans to serve the education and citizenship needs of the rapidly growing immigrant community."
Happy Mother's Day

My column featuring Michelle Duggar, mother of 19 children and grandmother of 1.
Here's a video where Rachel Campos-Duffy, who just gave birth to her sixth child and is the wife of congressional candidate Sean Duffy (who is the tenth of 11 children), is enthusiastic about the Duggars, while Whoopi "Roman Polanski didn't commit 'rape-rape'" looks like she'd rather be elsewhere.
TCC Goes PC: Happy Cinco de Mayo
More importantly, Happy Birthday/Feliz Cumpleaños to the gentleman whom this blog is named in honor of.

Thank you, Arizona
My latest column is about the AZ law. Natch.
The heads of the Colorado, Montana, and Georgia pro-immigration enforcement, grass-roots organizations get quoted.
The heads of the Colorado, Montana, and Georgia pro-immigration enforcement, grass-roots organizations get quoted.
Oklahoman Considers Vacationing in AZ

"The reaction across the nation by the liberals and the progressive Republicans, aided by the mainstream liberal media, has been an all out attack upon the citizens of Arizona and their duly elected officials. What is not being shown is the rock and bottle throwing, as well as near riots occurring, all initiated by the illegals and their supporters.
Folks, it shows what a serious problem we have created by allowing the massive flow of illegal aliens and how the leftists will use any kind of lie to intimidate the good people of Arizona. Boycotts, and any other means possible, are being called on to pressure Arizona officials to back off. If they do, Arizona will probably be lost much like California (however that is to be defined).
Arizona is a huge vacation destination. If Oklahoma decides not to do anything to put more pressure on illegals here, my wife and I have decided to cancel our staycation of traveling Route 66 in Oklahoma and go instead to Arizona, to the Flagstaff, Grand Canyon and Sedonia area for vacation. I want to reward their courage, and I will contact their department of tourism, to let them know why we are coming to Arizona, as well as the department of tourism in Oklahoma to tell them why we decided not to vacation in Oklahoma. We should all call our state legislators and urge them to pass additional legislation to deal with the illegal alien problem here. Arizona needs for other states to step up to the plate and keep them from being isolated and the target of every liberal in the nation. If enough states will get tough of these illegal criminals, it will diffuse the ability of the liberals to punish a particular state."

Why We Fight
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." —Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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