An opportunity for a college student - undergrad or grad - to spend a few days in Washington, D.C., this summer, learning from conservative authors, activists, and members of the U.S. Congress.
Over 200 students attended last year's Eagle Forum summit. One of them was my friend, Ed Cutting, who is enrolled at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He had this to say about the experience: "I learned more in 2 days than in a couple of semesters of graduate work in the education deptartment at UMass."
Eagle Forum Collegians was created in 1993 by the incomparable Phyllis Schlafly.
All the information about the organization and event is here. Scholarships are available.
In the photo: A group shot of the 2010 EF Collegians. Click on it to see Ed - top left. He has his back to the window, is wearing eyeglasses, and is standing next to the plant, tree, whatever.
Yes, that is me at least if it is the same photo as on the flier -- and I am incredibly grateful to these folk. For additional reasons that you don't know Izzy, a *lot* more you don't know along with all of those you can presume -- Planet UMass has not been very nice to me recently...
Seriously folks, these are "good people" and it is an event you can trust your kids with. My advice to parents is if it is a case of letting your kid go to CPAC or this, send your kid to this....
Thanks for sharing, Ed. I went to an Eagle Forum event years ago, and, I, too had a very good experience.
I also got to see Michelle Bachmann at her absolute best -- she was scheduled to speak for 1/2 hour but was told that there was a vote in 10 minutes -- she said to her staff "OK, if there is a vote in 10 minutes, then we have 5 minutes for this", dropped her prepared speech on the table, and proceeded to give the absolute best (totally extemp) speech on public policy that I have ever seen.
It is one thing for a politician to give a practiced speech -- it is another thing entirely for someone prepared to do that to instead say "OK folks, this is what we need to do" and just list the bullet points. She did the latter, laid out an agenda of how to save this country, and I was impressed...
It doesn't come across on the CSpan video the way it did if you were there, it was clear to me that she (a) knows her stuff and (b) believes it. So what if she put Concord in the wrong state, the Natl Weather Service has it in Nantucket County which is even further away (and quite a bit out to sea as well).
The telegenic Michele B. is very impressive. She speaks from the heart and the head and has many positions I strongly agree with. If she does not run for president, I hope she gets selected for the Veep spot.
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