All eyes will be on Indianapolis this weekend, due to the Super Bowl.
But that will be fleeting.
In contrast, Gov. Mitch Daniels' action, yesterday, is lasting: He signed a right-to-work law (HEA 1001). The first 'Rust Belt' state to do so. Way to go, Indiana!
Update: Governor Daniels' official (and reasonable) statement about HEA 1001:
“Seven years of evidence and experience ultimately demonstrated that Indiana did need a right-to-work law to capture jobs for which, despite our highly rated business climate, we are not currently being considered.
“This law won’t be a magic answer but we’ll be far better off with it. I respect those who have objected but they have alarmed themselves unnecessarily: no one’s wages will go down, no one’s benefits will be reduced, and the right to organize and bargain collectively is untouched and intact.
“The only change will be a positive one. Indiana will improve still further its recently earned reputation as one of America’s best places to do business, and we will see more jobs and opportunity for our young people and for all those looking for a better life.”
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